United States

Live Broadcast Sites

Over 25 hours, 7 live sessions from 6 continents will feature powerful moments of worship, teaching, testimonies, prayer experiences, and stories. A limited number of tickets are available to attend in person.

Get Your Ticket

The Global Church is gathering through Live Broadcast Sites + Gather Groups

Gather25 Live Broadcast Sites will be hosted by local churches and ministries everywhere. Together, we will share the story of how God is moving in and through His Church across every continent. Broadcast Sites range in size from local churches to arenas, so tickets are available in varying, limited quantities. If you’d like to attend a Broadcast Site in person, view each location below.

The majority of Gather25 participants will watch in Gather Groups from their own homes, churches, communities, and universities. Learn more.

Broadcast Locations

United States

6:00pm CST | Friday

Dallas, Texas

Dallas, Texas


Most participants will host a Gather Group or watch the livestream from their own home, church, or community! Learn about Gather Groups here.

Gather25 is a 25-hour gathering of the global Church where we will pray, worship, repent, and be commissioned back out into our communities to share Jesus everywhere.

You can see the Teachers, Storytellers, Prayer Guides and Worship Artists leading the way at Gather25 here.

Every location will feature live worship, live teaching, prayer experiences, and inspiring stories from the global Church. Stay tuned—details for each location will be shared soon!

You can host a Gather Group of your own or join on the livestream with us, in your language, from wherever you are!

Men, women, and children are invited to Gather25 but specific live broadcast sites may have restrictions, so be sure to check details if you plan to attend in person. No childcare will be available at any of our live broadcast sites.

Every live broadcast site ticket is non-refundable but will be transferable.